Introducing The New Pepetannica Cover

Introducing the New Pepetannica Cover I redesigned the cover of the open edition book and renamed it as well. Because it is meant to be a reference book for quick information about all 1,774 Rare Pepe cards I thought it should look like an old Encyclopedia Britannica.  The first task was to find an old […]

The Original Pepetanncia Cover Has Been Retired

The Original Pepetannica Cover Has been Retired Today I am announcing that the original 2022 version of The Encylopædia Pepetannica and the lighter “Spring 2023” version are both now out of print. There are twenty five of each version of the book out in the world. I have one of the original and none of […]

Book Memetics

I awoke early one morning last week to a notification from Twitter that I had been tagged in a post. Being that this had never happened to me before, I was intrigued to see if it was real or spam. To my surprise a complete stranger had taken it upon himself to create a 3D […]

That’s Odd

Did you know that page numbering in books had a standard? I didn’t, until the printer kicked back my order with the message “Page numbering should be even on the left, and odd on the right. Yours is the opposite.” In my mind, the first page with content would be page 1. In the case […]

Chapter 1 Revised

My first hard copy arrived from Ingram Spark and it was not great. The trimming was bad, the cover was off center, the interior pages look like they were printed on an early 1990s ink jet printer, and it was too thick. So I had to go back to the internet and find a new […]

The End of the First Chapter

Today represents the end of the first chapter in my quest to write my first book. I began thinking about writing this book in October 2021. It took me until April 2022 to actually research the logistics of self-publishing a book and begin the process of writing. Today I placed an order for 1 copy […]