Introducing the New Pepetannica Cover

I redesigned the cover of the open edition book and renamed it as well. Because it is meant to be a reference book for quick information about all 1,774 Rare Pepe cards I thought it should look like an old Encyclopedia Britannica. 

The first task was to find an old edition that I liked (see below). Second, I used an AI Image generator to create a leather texture. I then tinted it green and added the modified Britannica logo. 

The interior of the book is exactly the same as the “Spring 2023” edition. It has a legend that explains how the data is presented followed by all 1,774 images in order from Series 1, Card 1 through Series 36, Card 24. At the back is an index that lists the page number of each card.

I think it turned out great, and feedback online has been nothing but positive.